Toby's RISC OS Software



!Floating is a desktop clock.


Floating can be found in !PackMan, or downloaded as a zip file.


Double click on the !Floating application icon. The application will be loaded, and the clock window will appear on the top right of the screen.

If you click with Select (the left mouse button) on the clock, the date will appear to the clock's left, and then disappear after ten seconds.

If you click with Adjust (the right mouse button) on the clock, the clock will go to the back of the window stack for a short period of time.

If you click with Menu (the middle mouse button) on the clock, a menu appears allowing you to quit the program.

Inside the !Floating application folder (shift click on the !Floating icon) there is a file called !Config_defaults. Copy this to !Config and edit this new file to change the application's configuration. Full details are in the !Config_defaults file.


Version Comments


The first release of the new version, completely rewritten from scratch as a way to re-learn my RISC OS C coding.

This version has no configuration, but does the basics, which currently includes a 24 hour clock and a fixed date format.


This version introduced a menu with an Info window and a Quit action.


Configuration file created, bring back full configurability to the application. This time the file is installed as !Config_defaults, and needs to be copied to !Config for it to have any affect. this is to prevent user settings being over-written in a future release.